
Corporate Summary

Introduces basic corporate information, including the corporate summary, operating results, corporate history, etc.

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Products, Technology & Business Field

12,000 basic models and 700,000 variations. A wide range of variations to accommodate diverse applications. Pneumatics contributes to automation in every industry.

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Technical Development

Our engineering staff now exceeds 1,450 and is located in Technical centers in Japan, the United States, Europe and China.

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Production and Supply

Our product line offers 12,000 basic models with over 700,000 variations. Global production facilities provide a stable supply of products to customers in all markets.

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Sales & Communication Network

With 400 sales offices in 82 countries worldwide, our sales force of over 7,951 maintains close communication with customers.

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Quality Assurance

Reliable global product quality. Our products are manufactured with thorough quality assurance and environmental control systems for reliable use of the products.

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