
WEB Catalog

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Flow Control Equipment


Elbow Type/Universal Type Push-lock Type 10-AS-F

  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
TypeSeriesPort size
in the cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
Elbow type10-AS12□1F to 42□1FM5×0.8
R, NPT, G 1/8 to 1/2
φ2 to φ16φ1/8'' to φ1/2''
Universal type10-AS13□1F to 43□1FM5×0.8
R, NPT, G 1/8 to 1/2
φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''
Elbow type
Uni thread
10-AS22□1F to 42□1FUni 1/8 to 1/2φ3.2 to φ16φ1/8'' to φ1/2''
Universal type
Uni thread
10-AS23□1F to 43□1FUni 1/8~1/2φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Speed Controller with Indicator 10-AS-FS

TypeSeriesPort size
in the cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
Elbow type10-AS-FSM5×0.8
R,NPT,G,Uni 1/8 to 1/2
φ2 to φ16φ1/8'' to 1/2''
Elbow type
Uni thread
10-AS-FSUni 1/8 to 1/2φ3.2 to φ16φ1/8'' to 1/2''

In-line Type 10-AS

  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
TypeSeriesPort size
in the
cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
In-line type10-AS2002F to AS4002F-φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Speed Controller with Indicator/In-line Type 10-AS-FS

  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
TypeSeriesPort size
in the
cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
In-line type10-AS1002FS to AS4002FS-φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Push-lock Type Speed Controller: Stainless Steel Type (Elbow/Universal) 10-AS-FG

  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
TypeSeriesPort size
in the cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
Elbow type
Stainless steel type
10-AS12□1FG to 42□1FGM5×0.8
R, NPT, G 1/8 to 1/2
φ2 to φ16φ1/8'' to φ1/2''
Universal type
Stainless steel type
10-AS13□1FG to 43□1FGM5×0.8
R, NPT, G 1/8 to 1/2
φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Push-lock Type Speed Controller: Stainless Steel Type 10-AS-FSG

TypeSeriesPort size
in the cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
Elbow type
Stainless steel type
R,NPT,G 1/8 to 1/2
φ2 to φ16φ1/8'' to 1/2''
Universal type
Stainless steel type
R,NPT,G 1/8~1/2
φ3.2 to φ16φ1/8'' to 1/2''

Stainless Steel Speed Controller 10-AS-FG

TypeSeriesPort sizeApplicable tubing O.D.
Elbow type
Universal type
10-AS-FGM5 to 1/2φ3.2 to φ12

In-line Type 10-AS-FG

TypeSeriesPort size
in the
cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
In-line type
Stainless steel type
10-AS2002FG to AS4002FG-φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Speed Controller with Indicator/In-line Type 10-AS-FSG

  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
TypeSeriesPort size
in the
cylinder side
Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size
Applicable tubing O.D.
Inch size
In-line type
Stainless steel type
10-AS1002FSG to AS4002FSG-φ3.2 to φ12φ1/8'' to φ1/2''

Speed Controller for Low Speed Control 10-AS-FM

TypeSeriesPort sizeApplicable tubing O.D.
Elbow type
Universal type
10-AS-FMM5 to 1/4φ3.2 to φ10

Clean Speed Controller with One-touch Fitting AS-FPQ/FPG

    ?Low particle generation type speed controller suitable for use in clean rooms
     AS-FPQ: Electroless nickel-plated brass
     AS-FPG: Stainless steel 304
    ?AS-FPQ, AS-FPG: Polypropylene resin (Resin parts)
  • 2D/3D CAD

    The new SMC CAD SYSTEM, CADENAS, allows you to output 2D/3D CAD data with full part numbers in various data formats. Responses to part number selection has been greatly improved with the newly developed system.

    Click here for 2D/3D CAD
SeriesPort sizeApplicable tubing O.D.
(21-)AS-FPQM5 x 0.8,R1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2φ4 to φ12
AS-FPGM5 x 0.8,R1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2φ4 to φ12

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