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Industrial Device Communication Equipment: EtherNet/IP Compatible Products

Multi-Axis Step Motor Controller JXC73/83/92/93

    ?Speed tuning control
    ?Linear/circular interpolation
    ?Positioning/pushing operation
    ?Absolute/relative position coordinate instructions
    ?Step data input (Max. 2048 points)
    ?Space saving, reduced wiring
TypeSeriesI/O typeCompatible
Number of
Step data
input type
JXC73NPNStep motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
24 VDC
Max. 4 axes
Step data
input type
JXC83PNPStep motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
24 VDC
Max. 4 axes
Step data
input type
JXC92EtherNet/IP?Step motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
24 VDC
Max. 3 axes
Step data
input type
JXC93EtherNet/IP?Step motor
(Servo/24 VDC)
24 VDC
Max. 4 axes


■Linear/circular interpolation
■Positioning/pushing operation
■Step data input (Max. 2048 points)
■Absolute/relative position
 coordinates instructions
■Speed tuning control*1

*1 This controls the speed of the slave axis when the speed of the main axis drops due to the effects of an external force and when a speed difference with the slave axis occurs. This control is not for synchronizing the position of the main axis and slave axis.

■Space saving, Reduced wiring
■System Construction

Parallel I/O (JXC73/83)

For 3 Axes System Construction/EtherNet/IPTM Type (JXC92)

For 4 Axes EtherNet/IPTM Type (JXC93)

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