
Contributing to the creation of

a sustainable society through

automation control technology

We contribute to the creation of a sustainable society

by meeting the demands of our customers around the world.

We, SMC, have set a high goal for ourselves.

This is because we believe that the spread and improvement

of automation control technology that minimizes environmental impact,

which is our core business, is the path that leads

to the realization of an ideal society.

We will continue to promote manufacturing in harmony

with nature that prevents climate change

by thoroughly reducing environmental impact through

our contributions to automation and labor-saving in all industries.

We contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by meeting the demands of our customers around the world.
We, SMC, have set a high goal for ourselves.
This is because we believe that the spread and improvement of automation control technology that minimizes environmental impact, which is our core business, is the path that leads to the realization of an ideal society.
We will continue to promote manufacturing in harmony with nature that prevents climate change by thoroughly reducing environmental impact through our contributions to automation and labor-saving in all industries.

1. Develop and promote energy-saving products

Action 02-1-1


Promote the planning and development of environmentally friendly products


Conduct product assessments according to ISO14001

Build a monitoring system for CO2 emissions (from product development to disposal) through product life cycle assessment


Product assessments' target score ???Achieve 90% or more

Improve the accuracy of assessment management
(Review on checked items by each business area)

Define and disclose eco-products

Action 02-1-2


Support activities for customer's CO2 reduction by proposing energy-saving products and energy-saving systems


Provide education regarding energy conservation with our sales activities

Implement energy conservation workshops and seminars

Provide support with energy efficiency and conservation advice within their factories

2. Reduce environmental impacts from production to shipping

Action 02-2-1


Promote the use of renewable energy


Promote the use of electricity derived from renewable energy

Promote the installation of solar panels


Renewable energy utilization rate ???Achieve 95% or more

Action 02-2-2


Reduce emissions of waste and environmentally hazardous substances


Thoroughly manage chemical substances and wastewater and comply with environmental laws and regulations

Promote the recycling of waste

Switch to CFC substitutes with lower global warming coefficients

Thoroughly manage this program by establishing management standards that are stricter than the existing wastewater management laws and regulations

Thoroughly manage this program by utilizing the ISO14001 Environmental Management System


Waste recycling rate ???Achieve 95% or more

Switching to CFC substitutes ???Achieve 95% or more

Continue to never violate the laws and regulations regarding wastewater drainage

Continue to have zero findings related to environmental issues

Action 02-2-3


Reduce environmental impacts caused by the use of packaging materials


Use packaging materials that use less environmentally impactful substances

Action 02-2-4


Reduce emissions and the use of environmentally hazardous substances by promoting green procurement


Reduce the amount of environmentally hazardous substances used and emitted with each and every product
(Continue activities to reduce environmentally hazardous substances mentioned in ISO14001 and consistantly achieve our annual reduction targets)


Switch to RoHS Directive designated hazardous substance-free products ???Achieve 90% (product inventory)

Action 02-2-5


Reduce CO2 emissions from business use of vehicles


Switch all company-owned vehicles to environmentally friendly vehicles


Switch to environmentally friendly vehicles ???100%

Action 02-2-6


Participate in environmental conservation activities in the factories' surrounding areas


Conduct tree planting, flowerbed replacement, green conservation activities, beautification activities

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