Electric Actuators
» Low Profile Slider Type Series LEM - Product Features

■Compact, Low Profile
Table height: 28mm
(For LEMC/H/HT, size 25)
Table height reduced by using belt drive and offset guide.

■Programless Type (With Stroke Study) Series LECP2

Stroke end operation similar to an air cylinder is possible.

■Programless Type Series LECP1

No Programming
Capable of setting up an electric actuator operation without using a PC or teaching box.

■Step Data Input Type Series LECP6

Simple Setting to Use Straight Away
●Easy Mode for Simple Setting
If you want to use it right away, select "Easy Mode."

●Normal Mode for Detailed Setting
Select normal mode when detailed setting is required.
- Step data can be set in detail.
- Signals and terminal status can be monitored.
- Parameters can be set.
- JOG and constant rate movement, return to origin, test operation and testing of forced output can be performed.